Tuesday, December 17, 2013

6 months

Happy Half-year Birthday, Richard Tobias!!

Well, six months have come and gone...I still can't believe it!!  This past month has gone by really fast.  We have celebrated Thanksgiving and then it has been getting ready for CHRISTmas.  I can't believe you will be celebrating your first CHRISTmas! 

You continue to be such a happy baby...so smiley!  You have gotten to be very vocal...very loud...just like Kyrie! Laughing  You like to laugh...A LOT...when you are getting undressed for you bath.  Speaking of bath...you love your bath time.  You have outgrown your bath seat, so you are now laying in the bath tub on a towel.  Oh, you LOVE to splash away...and you laugh while you do it! You are also rolling from your stomach to your back.  While sitting in our lap, you pull yourself up into a sitting position.  We have been working on sitting up by putting you in your chair.  You are also jumping up and down while we hold you in a standing position.  After Christmas, we will be getting your jumperoo out.  You are sleeping much better at night.  A couple of weeks ago, we let you cry yourself back to sleep after sleeping about 4 hours.  You went back to sleep and slept until 3am.  Since then, you usually get up one time.  This has done wonders for Mommy and Daddy!!  You have also gotten your first hair cut...oh, how I regretted it after I snipped the first hairs!!  You look so grown up now. Cry  I guess you have to grow up, but it still makes me sad to see you growing up so fast!!

Well, we are still very thankful to have you in our lives.  We love you very much, Richard Tobias, and we look forward to seeing how God is going to use you.

Here are some belated six-month pictures that were taken at home...better late than never! 

Such a happy boy

Those eyes...

You are doing some major army crawling