Today is your 2nd birthday. Where has the last two years gone!?!? You came into our world two years ago and have fit so well into our family. I honestly don't remember our family without you. You bring so much joy to our life. You have such a happy, care-free spirit about you. It is definitely contagious. You love to make people smile and laugh. I love watching you as you try to do what your brother and sisters do. Your daddy often sings, "Anything you can do, I can do better!" You have such a determination to accomplish something. It doesn't matter how frustrated you get, you keep trying until you figure it out or someone teaches you how to do it. Your speaking skills are so good...we can understand about 95% of what comes out of your mouth. Daddy and I feel like we have mastered our fourth "foreign" language! You are such a great eater! Fruits, veggies, bread and french fries are still your favorites. Majority of the time you will pick fruit over anything else on your plate. You do have a sweet tooth just like your mommy...and your siblings! You still like being outside playing with a ball, going for a walk, swimming in the pool. In the last couple of weeks, you decided you wanted to jump off the diving board at the pool. Mommy said sure thinking once you got on the diving board you would change your mind...but you didn't!! So, Daddy got in the deep end and waited for you to jump off. Once you were in the water, he would pull you to the side of the pool. Your response? AGAIN!! So, we have let you do it a couple of times since and you have so much fun jumping off the diving board. You also like to play with trains, trucks and cars. You get so excited seeing buses when we are driving in the van.
Here are a few pictures that I took of you:
We had a small birthday party that included our family, Pa T, Lin-Lin, Mimi and Tay. You had a construction themed party. Here are a few pictures from your celebration:
Your birthday breakfast |
You liked everyone singing to you |
Not quite sure what to do with the candles |
Daddy showing you how to blow the eventually wanted him to do it. |
Your birthday banner |
Daddy photo bombing your construction decorations |
Kyrie celebrating with you |
Josiah excited to be celebrating with you |
Sophie excited to be celebrating with you |
Your cupcakes for your birthday dessert |
You were NOT happy about the candles! |
I get don't like the candles! |
Daddy helping you blow your candles out |
We are so thankful that God has chosen us to be your parents. We
pray that you will give your life to Jesus out a young age and will use
the gifts/talents/passions He has given you to further His Kingdom.
Happy Birthday, Little Buddy! Know that you are are loved very much!