Well, it is about four months past your birthday, and I am finally writing a blog post for your birthday! I guess we were too busy enjoying our summer for me to write a birthday post!
I can't believe the "baby" of the family has started 1st grade! You continue to grow in school. You definitely love math and are growing tremendously with your reading. You definitely like to be up and moving, so I have had to change the way I teach you!
You are doing great in your drum lessons (your birthday present from Mimi and Bup-Bup). You practice on the drum pad that Lin-Lin and Pa T got you. You have the dream to be able to sing and play drums. And if anyone can do it, I think you are fully capable! You also have enjoyed soccer. We have seen a whole other side of you on the soccer field. You definitely have some natural talent there which is having Mom and Dad consider how to nurture this talent.
Well, we love you and are thankful that you are a part of our family!
Life of Hootie Hoo #4--Richard "Tobias"
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Sunday, June 17, 2018
5 years
Well, it has been five years since you entered the world!! I know I say the same things...it seems just like yesterday and I can't remember life without you! But they are true.
We are so thankful that God has called us to be your parents. You teach us so much....how to be carefree...deep joy for life...laughter...compassion...sensitivity...cuddling...fellowship with others...physical activity...passion. The list could go on and on.
There are times when I don't feel qualified to be your mom...especially when I look at the list above. And then He speaks...He reminds me that it isn't all about what I can teach you, but what I can learn about Him from you. Oh, how I need to learn to just let lose every once in awhile and be carefree. To not worry about things, but to just embrace the moment. How I need to be joyful in ALL circumstances...not just the ones that are easy to be joyful in. Compassion...this is hard for my INFJ self, but He has used you to help me to not lean on how I am naturally wired. But instead to lean on who He desires me to be...and compassion should be at the front of that. You have taught me to slow down and just cuddle you...and your siblings. There is constantly a list of things to be done, but you often come up and ask for me to hold you reminding me that there is always time for my list to be done, but you won't always want to be cuddled. You continue to teach me about being with others. Your extroverted self LOVES being around people. My introverted self would be just fine sitting in my bed all day with the door closed, but you have taught me the importance of being with people...spending time with them...investing in them. And the best part of all of these things...you do them with such passion. You do them as if today was your last day to live...oh, how I need to have that mindset!! Oh, how I need to live life as if today was my last!!
Lord, thank You for allowing us to parent Tobias. Thank You for all the lessons You have taught me over the years because of this unexpected blessing!!
Happy 5th Birthday, Richard Tobias! We love you and look forward to how He is going to use you to further His kingdom!
We are so thankful that God has called us to be your parents. You teach us so much....how to be carefree...deep joy for life...laughter...compassion...sensitivity...cuddling...fellowship with others...physical activity...passion. The list could go on and on.
There are times when I don't feel qualified to be your mom...especially when I look at the list above. And then He speaks...He reminds me that it isn't all about what I can teach you, but what I can learn about Him from you. Oh, how I need to learn to just let lose every once in awhile and be carefree. To not worry about things, but to just embrace the moment. How I need to be joyful in ALL circumstances...not just the ones that are easy to be joyful in. Compassion...this is hard for my INFJ self, but He has used you to help me to not lean on how I am naturally wired. But instead to lean on who He desires me to be...and compassion should be at the front of that. You have taught me to slow down and just cuddle you...and your siblings. There is constantly a list of things to be done, but you often come up and ask for me to hold you reminding me that there is always time for my list to be done, but you won't always want to be cuddled. You continue to teach me about being with others. Your extroverted self LOVES being around people. My introverted self would be just fine sitting in my bed all day with the door closed, but you have taught me the importance of being with people...spending time with them...investing in them. And the best part of all of these things...you do them with such passion. You do them as if today was your last day to live...oh, how I need to have that mindset!! Oh, how I need to live life as if today was my last!!
Lord, thank You for allowing us to parent Tobias. Thank You for all the lessons You have taught me over the years because of this unexpected blessing!!
Happy 5th Birthday, Richard Tobias! We love you and look forward to how He is going to use you to further His kingdom!
Thursday, August 24, 2017
4 years old
WOW! It is hard to believe that the youngest one of our family is FOUR!! Where has the time gone!?!? It seems just like yesterday we were heading to the hospital to welcome you into this world! We had a hard time taking pictures this year for a variety of reasons...we were busy, the weather was CRAZY hot and part of me finds it harder and harder to take these yearly pictures because it reminds me how big everyone is getting!! But we got the pictures done! You definitely showed your free spirit personality! So, without further ado...here are your pictures!
Tobias, we are thankful that God chose you to be a part of our family! You bring so much fun and laughter to our lives. The way you pray, challenges us! We love you and are proud of who God is shaping you to be!
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This was our first picture, and I knew we were in for a fun photo shoot! |
Tobias, we are thankful that God chose you to be a part of our family! You bring so much fun and laughter to our lives. The way you pray, challenges us! We love you and are proud of who God is shaping you to be!
Friday, August 12, 2016
3 years old
We continue to be so thankful for you, Richard Tobias. Daddy and I were getting ready to talk about having a fourth child, but we never got to that conversation because God decided that our family needed you. I am so grateful in God's wisdom that He knew our family would be so blessed by your addition.
You are so very extroverted....which is sometimes hard for this introverted momma. I often ask daddy, "How does an introverted momma raise an introverted son?" And his response is, "Well, you are gonna find out!!"
You love so passionately. It isn't good enough to just sit beside someone on the couch. You have to be right on top of them...touching them...loving them. Just about everyday that daddy goes to work you need to give him "the biggest hug ever" before he walks out the door...it doesn't matter if he just gave you a hug or not.
You are such a helper. Whenever there is a time to help, you want to be right there helping. Even if there isn't a way to help, you will ask and ask until we find something for you to do.
You love ROCKS! Every time we go somewhere, you look for a rock...to hold as a prized possession. I have grown to love you carefully choose just the right rock to hold on to for the day. And at the end of the day, it goes into your special rock bucket by the front door.
We are enjoying watching God fine tune who He wants you to be. You have so much to offer the world, and we pray that you use all your gifts to further His kingdom! We love you more than words can say, but remember He loves you even more!
Here are a few pictures from our photo shoot:
And here are a few silly faces...just a bit of his personality shining through!
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Happy 2nd Birthday, Richard Tobias!
Today is your 2nd birthday. Where has the last two years gone!?!? You came into our world two years ago and have fit so well into our family. I honestly don't remember our family without you. You bring so much joy to our life. You have such a happy, care-free spirit about you. It is definitely contagious. You love to make people smile and laugh. I love watching you as you try to do what your brother and sisters do. Your daddy often sings, "Anything you can do, I can do better!" You have such a determination to accomplish something. It doesn't matter how frustrated you get, you keep trying until you figure it out or someone teaches you how to do it. Your speaking skills are so good...we can understand about 95% of what comes out of your mouth. Daddy and I feel like we have mastered our fourth "foreign" language! You are such a great eater! Fruits, veggies, bread and french fries are still your favorites. Majority of the time you will pick fruit over anything else on your plate. You do have a sweet tooth just like your mommy...and your siblings! You still like being outside playing with a ball, going for a walk, swimming in the pool. In the last couple of weeks, you decided you wanted to jump off the diving board at the pool. Mommy said sure thinking once you got on the diving board you would change your mind...but you didn't!! So, Daddy got in the deep end and waited for you to jump off. Once you were in the water, he would pull you to the side of the pool. Your response? AGAIN!! So, we have let you do it a couple of times since and you have so much fun jumping off the diving board. You also like to play with trains, trucks and cars. You get so excited seeing buses when we are driving in the van.
Here are a few pictures that I took of you:
We had a small birthday party that included our family, Pa T, Lin-Lin, Mimi and Tay. You had a construction themed party. Here are a few pictures from your celebration:
We are so thankful that God has chosen us to be your parents. We pray that you will give your life to Jesus out a young age and will use the gifts/talents/passions He has given you to further His Kingdom. Happy Birthday, Little Buddy! Know that you are are loved very much!
Here are a few pictures that I took of you:
We had a small birthday party that included our family, Pa T, Lin-Lin, Mimi and Tay. You had a construction themed party. Here are a few pictures from your celebration:
Your birthday breakfast |
You liked everyone singing to you |
Not quite sure what to do with the candles |
Daddy showing you how to blow the candles...you eventually wanted him to do it. |
Your birthday banner |
Daddy photo bombing your construction decorations |
Kyrie celebrating with you |
Josiah excited to be celebrating with you |
Sophie excited to be celebrating with you |
Your cupcakes for your birthday dessert |
You were NOT happy about the candles! |
I get it...you don't like the candles! |
Daddy helping you blow your candles out |
We are so thankful that God has chosen us to be your parents. We pray that you will give your life to Jesus out a young age and will use the gifts/talents/passions He has given you to further His Kingdom. Happy Birthday, Little Buddy! Know that you are are loved very much!
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
18 months
Well, I am a bit late on writing this journal entry. And let's not mention the fact that I haven't taken your 18 month pictures!!
I guess I have a pretty good excuse...we have been traveling for the month of December. First to Georgia then to Northern Virginia. I am hoping for some decent weather...it has been VERY rainy...so we can go ahead and get them done. I guess I should prepare to do Sophie's five-year-old pictures while I am at it. But I digress.
Anyways, I can't believe that you are 18 months!!! Let me ask the question...again...WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE!?!?! I honestly don't remember what our family was like without you. Even though it was a seamless transition, you have added so much to our family. You bring so much laughter to our family. Even at the young age of 18 months, you know that you are funny. If you do something and it brings laughter, you will do it again...and again...and again. Your brother and sisters ADORE you!! I am so thankful for the love they have for you and the love you have for them. It just melts this momma's heart.
Some things that make you you:
*You LOVE to eat...especially fruit, veggies and dessert.
*You have started humming songs and we know which ones they are. (Wheels on the Bus; Happy and You Know It; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to name a few)
*You sing the Amen Song with us
*You LOVE to wrestle and often times I am telling you to be careful with your big brother!
*You LOVE being outside
*You follow simple commands
*You are saying more words: Mama, Dada, Up, Apple, Ball, Dog, Amen, FeFe (Sophie), Brush, Bup-Bup; Bob-Bob; Lin-Lin;
*You are beginning to point out words from the "Your Baby Can Read" videos
*You LOVE a ball, rock or car to play with
*You are LOUD...VERY LOUD...when you see something you would like
*You still suck your thumb, but we are currently taping a sock over you hand so you won't suck it. Sometimes it stays on, sometimes you take the tape and sock off. And you have been known to pull your arm out of your sleeve to suck your thumb...just like Sophie did.
*You love to give tap,taps...you pat our backs when you give us hugs
*You are a cuddler...when you sit still long enough.
I could go on and on, but I will stop there. One thing I want you to know is that we LOVE you so very much, Richard Tobias. We are thankful that you are a part of our family. We look forward to seeing how God is going to take all these things from above and grow them in yo and to see how He is going to use you to further His Kingdom.
I guess I have a pretty good excuse...we have been traveling for the month of December. First to Georgia then to Northern Virginia. I am hoping for some decent weather...it has been VERY rainy...so we can go ahead and get them done. I guess I should prepare to do Sophie's five-year-old pictures while I am at it. But I digress.
Anyways, I can't believe that you are 18 months!!! Let me ask the question...again...WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE!?!?! I honestly don't remember what our family was like without you. Even though it was a seamless transition, you have added so much to our family. You bring so much laughter to our family. Even at the young age of 18 months, you know that you are funny. If you do something and it brings laughter, you will do it again...and again...and again. Your brother and sisters ADORE you!! I am so thankful for the love they have for you and the love you have for them. It just melts this momma's heart.
Some things that make you you:
*You LOVE to eat...especially fruit, veggies and dessert.
*You have started humming songs and we know which ones they are. (Wheels on the Bus; Happy and You Know It; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to name a few)
*You sing the Amen Song with us
*You LOVE to wrestle and often times I am telling you to be careful with your big brother!
*You LOVE being outside
*You follow simple commands
*You are saying more words: Mama, Dada, Up, Apple, Ball, Dog, Amen, FeFe (Sophie), Brush, Bup-Bup; Bob-Bob; Lin-Lin;
*You are beginning to point out words from the "Your Baby Can Read" videos
*You LOVE a ball, rock or car to play with
*You are LOUD...VERY LOUD...when you see something you would like
*You still suck your thumb, but we are currently taping a sock over you hand so you won't suck it. Sometimes it stays on, sometimes you take the tape and sock off. And you have been known to pull your arm out of your sleeve to suck your thumb...just like Sophie did.
*You love to give tap,taps...you pat our backs when you give us hugs
*You are a cuddler...when you sit still long enough.
I could go on and on, but I will stop there. One thing I want you to know is that we LOVE you so very much, Richard Tobias. We are thankful that you are a part of our family. We look forward to seeing how God is going to take all these things from above and grow them in yo and to see how He is going to use you to further His Kingdom.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Happy 1st Birthday, Richard Tobias!
Happy 1st Birthday, Richard Tobias!!!
Well, we survived your first year of life. So much has happened over the last year which has made it go by so much faster. Part of me wishes we could go back a year and start all over again, so I could cherish every moment...every last "first"...a little bit more. But I know that isn't possible, so I will keep those memories close to my heart.
We are so thankful for being blessed with you. God knew exactly who we needed to complete our little family...ok, maybe little is the wrong word here! :) We look forward to seeing who God has created you to be and the relationships you will have with your siblings. You are very much loved by all of them...they absolutely adore you.
Our prayer for you...that God will capture your heart and life at a young age. That He will use you in mighty ways to further His Kingdom. That you will take your determined spirit and use it to glorify Him. That God will use your silly spirit to attract people to Him. We pray that God will always guide us as we raise you in the years to come to point you towards Him.
We love you and look forward to what God is going to do this coming year!!
Here are some pictures from his photo-shoot in Vienna, VA. I can't believe that he is already one!!
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Such a handsome boy |
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Pretty much sums up how I feel |
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LOVE those cheeks |
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Found some wood to play with |
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There is a smile |
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LOVE me some baby feet |
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Look at those eyes! |
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He melts my heart |
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Perfect addition to our family |
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He is ALL boy...on the move with a rock in his hand. |
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